Human rights

We believe in the equality of all people and in their fundamental rights, as reflected in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the United Nations.
The protection of human rights is an integral part of the value system underpinning the business and social activities of the Company, including the provision of services and products, which proclaims that every person should be treated with decency and respect, regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation, physical or other disability, place of residence, or any other factor that is not financial in essence.

Our Approach

In fulfilling our mission, we are guided by several principles that help define our approach:

  • Our commitment is to provide all of our customers with non- discriminatory service, irrespective of race, religion, ethnicity, country of origin, sexual orientation, views, political affiliation, age, personal status and place of residence.
  • As part of our commitment to our employees, we care for their health and well-being, and we provide an appropriate and responsible work environment free of discrimination, harassment, or mistreatment. The Company has a zero-tolerance policy for sexual harassment.
  • The employees of the Company are committed to the principles set forth in the Company’s code of ethics and to action guided by the values of humanity, integrity, transparency, and responsibility. We are committed to the employment and promotion of our employees based on their professional qualifications, without discrimination or exclusion due to gender, ethnicity, religion, culture, sexual orientation, views, or any other non-pertinent factor.
  • We do not employee children/minors in contradiction of the provisions of the law, and we do not practice forced employment of any kind. We compensate our employees appropriately and we respect their right to association and collective representation.
  • Alongside our obligation to comply with legal norms, our activity is guided by our core values, which are grounded in our code of ethics: fairness and responsibility, professionalism, initiative and innovation, humanity, caring, and simplicity.
  • All employees are encouraged to report any incident or suspected case of conduct inconsistent with the code of ethics including aspects of human rights protection. To ensure that employees who raise such issues are protected and do not suffer due to their report, a whistleblower procedure is in place to enable employees to report incidents in safety from harm or harassment, including dismissal. All reports are investigated, and appropriate action is taken if necessary.