Biotic uses a diverse array of responsibly sourced feedstocks including to create bio-based, biodegradable PHBV polymers, a member in the PHA family, to help fulfill plastic demand.

Our scalable technology:

Fully biodegrades in any environment

Provides cost-effective solutions

Fits existing production lines & machinery

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Why Macroalgae?

Renewable Feedstock

Macroalgae is a regenerative biomass, proliferates year-round, and can be grown in any sea or ocean, as well as industrial settings


Macroalgae does not require arable land nor freshwater, and only a small portion of the ocean is required to cultivate enough macroalgae to fulfill global plastic demand

Environmental Co-benefits

Macroalgae effectively absorbs carbon dioxide at a rate 4 times higher than trees

Wide Usability

Biotic can use any marine biomass to create PHBV polymers, including seaweed, sugar kelp, sargassum, ulva, as well as seagrass

Biotic’s PHBV polymers are a type of PHA

Biotic’s PHBV polymers can be synthesized to exhibit a wide range of properties, displaying similar characteristics as polypropylene, HDPE and LDPE, polyester, fibers, etc., making them able to be processed into a wide range of end products. They can be tailored to be rigid or flexible, transparent or opaque, and even water-soluble or insoluble.

Biotic’s PHBV Polymers’ Properties


Biotic’s PHBV polymers are fully biodegradable, meaning they can be broken down by microorganisms in the environment into natural compounds such as carbon dioxide and water.

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Reduced Microplastic Polution

Microplastics are tiny plastic particles that accumulate in water bodies and soil, and harm marine life and animals by entering the food chain. Because Biotic’s PHBV is biodegradable, it does not contribute to microplastic pollution.

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Reduced Carbon Footprint

The production of Biotic’s PHBV generates lower carbon emissions than that of conventional plastics. Biotic’s feedstock is renewable, and is manufactured using fully biological processes,  and therefore has the potential to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions and help combat climate change.

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Renewable & Sustainable

Biotic’s PHBV polymers are produced using macroalgae, which is a regenerative biomass that grows in virtually every sea and ocean. In utilizing renewable feedstocks, Biotic’s technology helps to reduce dependence on fossil fuels and support a more sustainable tomorrow.

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other plastics

Biotic PHBV





Toxic Free



Home Compostable

Technical Properties

Fits Existing Industrial Processes



Polyhydroxyalkanoates is a biobased, biodegradable family of plastics, commonly seen as a beneficial alternative to conventional plastics because of its ability to degrade in natural environments.

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PHBV, or poly (3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate), is a specific type of PHA which has more desirable properties, including toughness, flexibility, and processability, than other PHA polymers.

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A subset of biodegradable materials that specifically break down into compost, a nutrient-rich humus-like substance, under the right conditions.

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A material that can be broken down by natural biological processes. Biodegradation occurs over a relatively short period, minimizing environmental impact and contributing to the reduction of waste in landfills and ecosystems. The pace of degradation also depends on product composition, the part thickness and other external conditions.

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A material made from substances derived from living (or once-living) organisms.

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Our Vision

A world where plastic is no longer a concern